Thursday, October 27, 2011

Zachary's done it again!

Its time for the annual food drive at school, last year Zachary blew us away by his desire to help others.  See the last entry (yes I know I ignore our poor blog).  This year he has done it again!  Today a lady came in from the food bank and Zachary was able to talk to her and tell her his plans to raise money for those who might not otherwise have a Thanksgiving dinner. I could tell from his voice that he had big plans in mind I just didn't know then just how BIG he was dreaming.

We talked about it further this afternoon and about what his personal goal was this year in helping out the food bank.  "Momma I want to raise enough money to feed 200 familes!!"  "Zachary honey that is a little unrealistic" I told him.  "Momma you never know what CAN happen".  The faith of a child.  We all have something to learn from that faith, it seems we give up so easily now days.  

So then began this years help 200 families.  I told him that was $4,000 that he had to raise and he just knows that he can do it.   I told him to come up with a plan on how he was going to make this happen and he decided that a video would be best.  I asked him if he needed to write anything down and he said "No Momma its all right here" (pointing to his heart).  Talk about making a Momma tear up!  Of course we did several "takes" before he was satisified with one.  And we put it out on facebook and youtube.  It didn't take long before friends and family were on board for helping him out.  A friend donated $25 and when I told him he said  "YES!! Thats already a family that will have a good thanksgiving!!!"  All while clapping and jumping up and down for joy.  Oh if you could have only seen the smile on his face!  He is up to almost $90...a long way from $4,000 but all that keeps going through my mind is "Faith just have to believe". 

I believe in you Zachary! You have no idea how amazing you are! I love you!!