Monday, November 14, 2011

4 more days!

Wow!  What a whirl wind this last few weeks have been.  Zachary has been doing an amazing job!  To date he has raised $768.06!  I am so proud of him!!  He can't wait to go to the food bank and give them his donation.  I have been asked if I think that he will continue this beyond the Thanksgiving season, and I truly think that he will.  Right now the food bank doesn't really have any volunteer opportunities for children his age but I am hoping that they will be able to come up with something that he can do.

I have to say that I am so moved at all who have put their support in Zachary!   I know that he doesn't even being to understand why people think that he is such an amazing kid. 

If you would like to donate to his cause there is a donation button to the right, 100% of the donations will be given to the Hays County Food Bank.  Please email me at jimmyandlaurie at verizon dot net (spelled out to prevent spam) and I will give you our mailing address and you can make a check payable directly to the food bank.

Thanks to all who have BELIEVED in a little 7 year old kids dream....


  1. happy to help :) if we don't believe in our kids, who will? AliM

  2. Laurie
    I volunteer at a local food pantry that is serving 200 families every month. If the big food bank doent't have a place for him, I would bet that he could help at this one if he wanted. He has such a wonderful giving heart. And our pantry is always looking for donations and help.
